Heart 2 Heart – Overview and Global Grant Projects
“Feeling the love at Gustavo Baz School in Mexico. I love these children!”
PDG Linda Mong, District 6880 – Southern Alabama
Heart 2 Heart is a collaborative partnership between Rotary districts and clubs in the U.S. and Mexico; like-minded individuals, businesses and corporations, and non-profit organizations in the U.S. and Mexico; The Rotary Foundation; and FURMEX (Fondo Unido Rotario de Mexico) to provide humanitarian service in Mexico. The first partnership effort was in fall 2004, when all the 2005-06 District Governors in both U.S. zones agreed to support a water well project in a rural town in Mexico District 4170. District Governors Olga Devlyn (District 4170) and Martin Limbird (District 6560) were the leaders of that cooperative effort, and they were also instrumental in the overall development of the international partnerships and friendships. Due in large part to the tremendous work and support by Patricia Vela (District 4170 Governor 2015-16) over the past decade-plus and her visit to the U.S. in 2015, and the ongoing work of Jose Antonio Gonzalez and David Carranza in District 4170, many other U.S. districts have joined in the effort during the past few years, and the Heart 2 Heart program has expanded significantly. Heart 2 Heart added District 4140 as a partner in 2017, thanks to the efforts of D4140 Rotarians Enrique Garcia and Adrian Clerc. Heart 2 Heart added District 4110 as a partner in 2023, thanks to the efforts of the Pathways OH club (District 6600).
Heart 2 Heart partners offer and support Rotary Foundation global grant projects annually. These global grant projects are developed and proposed by District 4170, District 4140, and District 4110 Rotarians. Please see the tabs below for the global grant projects in the current and prior Rotary years.
With the addition of the “100 Plus Program”, Heart 2 Heart also works on smaller, club-to-club size projects throughout all of Mexico. Please go to www.rizones30-31.org/news/heart-2-heart/100-in-100-programs to view the information for club to club projects.
District 4170 is located in the central part of Mexico and includes the Mexico City metropolitan area and several hundred square miles of adjacent rural areas and communities of various sizes. District 4140 includes an even larger geographical area adjacent on the north with District 4170 and includes the Guadalajara metropolitan area. District 4110 is in the northern part of Mexico, and our partnering is with clubs in the Chihuahua area. Although the average size of a club in these districts is relatively small (under 20), these clubs provide incredible support for their communities, devoting tremendous amount of volunteer time and financial resources toward a wide range of needs. The ongoing efforts of these District 4170, District 4140, and District 4110 Rotarians continue to inspire U.S. Rotarians who have had the opportunity to see the results of their outstanding work.
As we move forward, an added emphasis is on finding more partners, regardless of location, who want to make a difference. The Heart 2 Heart partners are People of Action Making a Difference!
Rotarians from U.S. districts usually make an annual visit to Mexico. The next regular project visit for 2025-26 is TBD but will likely be in November 2025.
District 6820 will be leading a hands-on service trip to the Guadalajara area on February 15 – 21, 2025. Please contact Lucy Anne Walker (lucyawalker@yahoo.com) for more information.
District 6170 will be leading a hands-on service trip to the Guadalajara area on October 4 -11, 2025. Please contact PDG Bill Fish (bfish@ipa.net) for more information.
Updated January 25, 2025
- The projects serve people in need.
- The projects are designed well and usually completed timely.
- Any club or district (or individual) can participate, regardless of size of club or amount of contribution. This is an easy way for clubs (and districts) to get involved internationally.
- By working with The Rotary Foundation on matching grants, districts and clubs can multiply their contributions and provide larger projects.
- There is no paperwork for the clubs and very little work for a district (except for sponsor clubs and districts). Mexico clubs write the grants.
- Heart 2 Heart attempts to offer a variety of projects for clubs and districts to consider, either as a new venture or as a good way to expand international service.
- Districts 4170, 4140, and 4110 are in areas that are easy to visit.
- Districts 4170 and 4140 provide support and DDF funding for global grants in the US.
- Mexico is our next-door neighbor and significant economic partner.
Members of the Heart 2 Heart Advisory Committee serve as the decision-makers for Heart to Heart projects and issues.
The following group serves as primary contacts in specific areas as follows:
Coordinators for annual trip to D4170 – Tom Dusing, Rosa Mar, and Steve Hopper
Coordinators for public image and communications – Craig Maxey and Rosa Mar
Coordinator for financing and districts outside of Zones 30 & 31 – Ron Appuhn
Coordinator for official projects in D4140 and 4110 (the go-to person for Mexico) – Ron Appuhn
Coordinator for official projects in D4170 (the go-to person for Mexico) – Steve Hopper
Coordinator for 100 in 100 program – Ron Appuhn

The next virtual Global Grant Project Fair for D4170 will be on Saturday, February 15, 2025, beginning at 10 am EST (9 am CST and Mexico City). The next virtual Global Grant Project Fair for D4140 will be on Saturday, February 22, 2025, beginning at 10 am EST (9 am CST and Guadalajara).
The next H2H annual project visit for 2025-26 is TBD.
District 6170 will be leading a hands-on service trip to the Guadalajara area on October 4 – 11, 2025. Please contact PDG Bill Fish (bfish@ipa.net) for more information.
District 6820 will be leading a hands-on service trip to the Guadalajara area on February 15 – 21, 2025. Please contact Lucy Anne Walker (lucyawalker@yahoo.com) for more information.
Ron Appuhn
Rotary Club of Maryville, TN (D6780)
For more information about the annual visit to Mexico, please contact:
Tom Dusing
Rotary Club of Carmel, IN (D6560)
In order to establish long term continuity of the program and to collectively work on current and future projects and issues, volunteers from around the country have joined to form the Advisory Committee for the U.S. partners. The Advisory Committee includes a Lead Advocate for each district (indicated by * below). These Committee members are available as resources for districts, clubs, and individuals.
Advisory Committee Members
D5110 Juli Di Chiro, Mike Pastryk
D5130 Salvador Rico
D5630 Don Peterson*, Bob Taylor, Dale Schultz, Bob Mayber
D5750 Steven Shepelwich, Matt Bown*
D5830 Ted Huffhines*, Mike Groom
D6040 Kim Lesage, Don Gladhart*
D6060 Jerry Weems*
D6080 David Bixler*, Paul Reinert, Mary Ann Beahon
D6110 Ed Hardesty*
D6170 Jennifer Van Houtte, Dennis Cooper*, Robert Thompson, Joi Burton, Bill Fish
D6190 Jerry Wall, Pamela Stewart, Karen Johnson*
D6200 Richard Churchman*
D6460 Steve Hopper*
D6490 Larry Howell, Mike Martin*
D6510 David Matthews, Mike Nowobilski*, Janice Alka
D6540 John Frischie*, Dan Ryan, Mike Pruitt
D6560 Tom Dusing , Judy Hagan, Brad Sexauer, Barbara Ellis, Bryce Adam*
D6580 Laura Carie*
D6600 Andy Bone *, Bob Kuck, Deb Cheney
D6670 Mac Hickman, Frank Scott*, Ron Hollenbeck
D6690 Craig Maxey*
D6710 Bill Miller
D6740 James Glass, Ryan Glass, John Hutchings*
D6760 Dick Bowers, Jerome Bannister*
D6780 Rosa Mar*, Ron Appuhn, Jim Shamblin, John Solomon
D6800 Bethany Huffman*
D6820 Bill Walker, Mark DiBiase*, Ed Thurmond
D6840 Kathie Short, Greg Lier*
D6860 Pat Cross, Ed Carr*
D6880 Linda Mong*, Bob Callahan
2024-25 Global Grant Projects
Updated January 31, 2025
The Heart 2 Heart partners are working on eight global grant projects for 2024-25. We are also continuing the work on numerous non-global-grant projects through the 100 Plus Program (club to club projects)..
Eight Global Grant Projects
1. GG 2464063 Cleft Lip and Palate – This project will provide cleft lip and palate surgeries in a rural area in the state of Hidalgo. The budget is $42,422. The Mexico host club is Las Torres Satelite D4170. The US sponsor is District 6510 IL. The grant was approved on November 18, 2024 and will be underway soon. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6510 6110 6780
2. GG 2465062 Strengthening primary schools – This pilot project will provide computer technology into three public schools in the Mexico City area. The budget is $59,518. The Mexico host club is Xalostoc D4170. The US sponsor is Carmel IN D6560. The grant has been submitted and is awaiting TRF approval. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6560 6110 6200 6780
3. GG 2463825 Rainwater harvesting for schools – This pilot project will provide rain catchment systems for three public schools in the Mexico City area. The budget is $49,983. The Mexico host club is Las Torres Satelite D4170. The US sponsor is Marshall TX D5830. The grant has been submitted and is awaiting TRF approval. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5830 5750 6200 6780
4. GG 2463524 Neonatal cardiac screening – This project will provide supply kits for screening 60,000 infants in Hidalgo for potential cardiac problems. The budget is $152,733. The Mexico host club is Pachuca Plata D4170. The US sponsor is District 6880 AL. The grant has been submitted and is awaiting TRF approval.. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6880 5830 6040 6170 6560 6560 6670 6780
5. GG 2463421 Autism center equipment – This project will provide equipment and supplies for a new room in a facility that treats autistic patients. The budget is $66,061. The Mexico host club is Zamora Industrial D4140. The US sponsor is District 6820 MS. The grant has been submitted and is awaiting TRF approval. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6820 5830 6040 6110 6780
6. GG 2462731 Clean, Potable Water for Tarahumara Families Phase 2 – This project will provide rain catchment systems for families in twelve poor, remote communities that lack access to water. The budget is $138,001. The Mexico host club is Chihuahua San Felipe D4110. The US sponsor is Decatur Daybreak AL D6860. The grant was approved on December 19, 2024 and will be underway soon. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6860 5830 6600 6670 6780
7. GG 2463524 Angel Project II (Cerebral palsy) – This project will provide additional supplies and training to expand and improve a non-profit facility that treats patients with severe cerebral palsy. The budget is $80,993. The Mexico host club is Bellevista Atizipan D4170. The US sponsor is North Platte Sunrise NE D5630. The grant was approved on November 18, 2024 and will be underway soon. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5630 6040 6170 6110 6670 6780
8. GG 2571397 Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program 2023 – This signature project partners with private hospitals and the Ayudar Foundation in Mexico to provide kidney transplants for low income, high risk individuals with kidney disease. The grant budget is $243,158. The Mexico host club is Cuajimalpa D4170. The US sponsor is Lebanon Breakfast, TN D6780 MO. The grant was approved on January 10, 2025 and will be underway soon. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6780 5830 6040 6080 6110 6190 6200 6460 6490 6510 6560 6690 6840 6880 plus Oklahoma City 5750
PDF summaries of these global grant projects (except for the Holtz-Beahon kidney transplant GG) are located on the right hand side of this webpage.
The total budget for these eight global grants is $832,869, with $358,285 coming from US H2H partners DDF and $347,985 from the Rotary Foundation match for all sources.
The Heart 2 Heart partners are engaged with many Rotary districts in Mexico to provide opportunities for clubs to have service projects, as part of an on-going celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rotary in Mexico. Please see www.rizones30-31/news/100-in-100-program for more details.
2023-24 Global Grant Projects
Updated November 23, 2024
The Heart 2 Heart partners are working on five global grant projects and are supporting one US hosted – Mexico sponsored global grant for 2023-24 and one St. Lucia grant sponsored by D6600 OH. We are also continuing the work on numerous non-global-grant projects through the 100 in 100 Club to Club program.
Five Global Grant Projects
1. GG 2346253 Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program 2023 – This signature project partners with private hospitals and the Ayudar Foundation in Mexico to provide kidney transplants for low income, high risk individuals with kidney disease. The grant budget is $198,000. The Mexico host club is Cuajimalpa D4170. The US sponsor is District 6080 MO. The grant was approved on December 20, 2023, and is underway. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6080 5830 6110 6200 6460 6490 6560 6670 6760 6780 6840
2. GG 2348995 Roger Sims Scoliosis Equipment Phase 2 – This project will provide corsets and specialized wheelchairs for children with severe scoliosis. The grant budget is $78,025. The Mexico host club is Florida Satelite D4170. The US sponsor is Hastings Sunrise, NE D5630. The grant was approved in February 2024 and is underway. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5630 5830 6200 6540 6560 6670 6780
3. GG 2455808 Jalisco Kidney Transplant Program – This project partners with the public Hospital Civil in Guadalajara to provide kidney transplants for low income, high risk individuals with kidney disease. This pilot project aims to help meet the challenges of that area in District 4140, where one nearby region has the highest rate of kidney disease in the world. The grant budget is $111,182. The Mexico host club is Ajijic D4140. The US sponsor is D5830 TX/OK. The grant was approved on March 20, 2024 and is underway. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5830 6170 6560 6600 6780 6820
4. GG 2455808 Clean, Potable Water for Tarahumara Families – This pilot project will provide rain catchment systems for families in a poor, rural community near Chihuahua that lacks access to water. The host club and sponsor club have experience working together for many years and have installed a few of these systems. The budget is $111,723. The Mexico host club is Chihuahua Campestre D4110. The US sponsor is Pathways OH D6600. The grant was approved on March 15, 2024 and is underway. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
6600 5830 6510 6560 6780 6880
5. GG 2465351 James L Lacy Elder Care Training Phase 2 – This project will provide website development for expanding the program on-line and nationwide (to ensure long-term sustainability of the elder care training program) and also will provide some supporting services. The project is named in honor of Past RI President James L Lacy, who was a strong supporter of programming to assist the elderly. The budget is $48,000. The Mexico host club is Caujimalpa D4170. The US sponsor is D6780 TN. The grant was approved on September 25, 2024 and will be underway soon. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5630 6780
The Heart 2 Heart partners also supported GG 2462483 Building Literacy & STEAM in Mississippi USA with $20,000 DDF. This grant project was rejected by The Rotary Foundation. The grant was hosted by Greenville MS D6820 and sponsored by Tlaquepaque Industrial D4140. Many thanks to districts 5830, 6560, and 6780 who had pledged DDF support of this global grant:
The H2H partners are also supporting GG 2456729 Rotary mobile dental clinic in St. Lucia. The US sponsor is Vermilion OH D6600. The grant has been submitted and is awaiting TRF approval. The budget is $120,522 and the Heart 2 Heart partner DDF contribution is $22,724. Many thanks to the following districts for their support of this global grant:
5830 6200 6560 6780
The total budget for these seven global grants is $801,752, with $317,218 coming from US H2H partner DDF and $323,038 from the Rotary Foundation match for all sources.
The Heart 2 Heart partners are engaged with many Rotary districts in Mexico to provide opportunities for clubs to have service projects, as part of an on-going celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rotary in Mexico. Please see www.rizones30-31/news/100-in-100-program for more details.
2022-23 Global Grant Projects
Updated September 2, 2024
The Heart 2 Heart partners are working on five global grant projects for 2022-23 and are also continuing the work on numerous non-global-grant projects through the 100 in 100 program.
Five Global Grant Projects
1. GG 2237889 Rain Harvesting for Rural Communities – This project will capture rain for irrigation and aquifer replenishment, thereby enhancing rural economic development and protecting the environment through diminishing the loss of forests. The grant budget is $164,927. The Mexico host club is Reforma Torre Mayor, D4170. The US sponsor is District 6510 IL. This grant was approved in June 2024 and will be underway soon.
2. GG 2237791 Bio-intensive Orchards – This project will provide a sustainable job source for rural families through bio-intensive orchard development and training on the value chain of harvest, transportation and commercialization. The grant budget is $48,663. The Mexico host club is Tlalpan Golf, D4170. The US sponsor is Carmel IN, D6560. The grant was approved on April 28 2023 and is completed.
3. GG 2237796 Steve Sorenson Child Cancer Treatment Project – This project will provide specialized equipment which will significantly impact the intervention and subsequent recovery in children with cancer. The project is named in honor of PDG Steve Sorenson. The grant budget is $96,750. The Mexico host club is Plateros Centro Historico, D4170. The US sponsor is District 6560 IN. The grant has been approved and is underway.
4. GG 2237792 Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment – This project will provide mammography tests, ultrasound tests, specialist consultations, and immunohistochemistry tests for early detection of breast cancer in women in three isolated states in Mexico, as well as training for doctors, nurses, midwives, and community leaders. The grant budget is $98,447. The Mexico host club is Lindavista, D4170. The US sponsor is Antelope Valley, CA D5300. The grant has been approved and is underway.
5. GG 2235574 Sanitation for Indigenous Community of Las Guayabas – This project will provide dry toilets for an isolated community with high rates of dysentery. The grant project budget is $72,380. The Mexico host club is Zapopan, D 4140. The US sponsor is District 5830 TX/OK. The grant was approved on April 28 2023 and is nearing completion.
The total budget for these five global grants is $481,167, with $184,016 coming from US partner DDF and $191,631 from the Rotary Foundation match.
The Heart 2 Heart partners are engaged with all seven Rotary districts in Mexico to provide opportunities for clubs to have service projects, as part of an on-going celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rotary in Mexico. Please see www.rizones30-31/news/100-in-100-program for more details.
2021-22 Global Grant Projects
2019-20 Global Grant Projects
2020-21 Global Grant Projects
2017-18 Global Grant Projects
2016-17 Global Grant Projects
Five Global Grant Projects
The Heart 2 Heart partners submitted five global grant projects and completed two non-global-grant projects for 2016-17. The current total for all five global grants is $470,409.
All 26 district in Zones 30-31 are partners in the global grant projects this year. In addition, District 5630 Nebraska has continued as an additional project partner. The US districts contributed $176,452 in DDF to these grant projects, and The Rotary Foundation supplied $202,647 in matching funds for these grants.
1. GG 1745052 Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program 2017 ($192,000, Mexico host Cuajimalpa, US sponsor Pikeville, KY D6740).
We will continue our work with several partners to provide kidney transplants for young adults and teens (primarily ages 15-49) who are economically disadvantaged. This will be our sixth global grant for kidney transplants. The grant is budgeted for 64 kidney transplants at about $3,000 each. However, recent trends of hospital support and currency exchange suggest that we may be able to supply about 85-90 transplants with these funds. The grant was approved on April 18, 2017.
2. GG 1641800 Equipment and training for midwives in indigenous areas ($77,400, Mexico host Pachuca Plata, US sponsor Kentland IN D6540).
This project will prevent disease and asphyxia by training 437 midwives in how to use penguin suction device to save lives. The midwives deliver the majority of low income infants born Mexico. The 437 midwives will touch thousands of families and will be available with equipment to deliver and save newborns. The funds would be used to purchase the penguin suction device, masks and one thousand reusable able bags. These bags can be reused up to 20 times. The grant was approved on March 24, 2017.
3. GG 1743667 Vickie Blade Pacemaker equipment and surgeries ($116,000, Mexico host San Angel, US sponsor Carmel IN D6560).
Through this humanitarian service project, the Rotarians of District 4170 Mexico will be working with Heartbeat International, the National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez, and seven other Mexico hospitals to provide implantation of 400 pacemakers to individuals who do not have the economic resources to obtain these life-saving procedures. The project also provides important training to medical professionals in the field. These implantations not only save lives, they save families, as often the recipient is the home’s primary source of employment income. This project is in honor of Vickie Blade, who dedicated her life to service as a teacher who provided inspiration, support, and life lessons to thousands of children. The grant was approved on April 28, 2017. All twenty six districts in Zones 30-31 contributed financially as partners in this project.
4. GG 1745049 Tortilla and bread making machines for community center ($49,000, Mexico host La Villa, US sponsor Grand Island Sunrise NE D5630).
The La Villa club has been daily providing free breakfast for almost 200 very needy children in an attempt to help keep them in school. The club has great plans to expand the existing space to a three level complex that would provide other community services such as computer training and life skill workshops. The proposed project calls for purchase and installation of one tortilla making machine and one bread making machine. These machines could feed the children and would more than pay for itself by producing extra food that could be sold inexpensively to the community neighborhood. The grant has been submitted but not yet approved.
5. GG 1746265 Learning to Learn ($36,009, Mexico host Mixcoac, US sponsor Alliance NE D5630).
The Mixcoac club has been operating a weekend workshop program that literally teaches students and their parents about how to learn – school subjects and also some basic life skills. The grant would enable the club to train more workshop leaders and greatly expand the number of students and parents served. The grant has been submitted but not yet approved.
Two Non- Global-Grant Projects
The Heart 2 Heart partners completed two non-global grant projects for $21,180 (international share).
1. Wheelchairs ($15,000)
The Heart 2 Heart partners worked with the Toluca Suroeste club and World Access Project to purchase one-half of a container (100 wheelchairs for $15,000) for disabled children and adults with severe economic hardships. The refurbished wheelchairs are not just the same kind in different sizes. They are multiple varieties, designed to meet a wide variety of individual needs. The World Access Project program not only offers wheelchairs, it offers crutches and other devices to help mobility.
2. Toluca school expansion phase 2 ($6,180)
The Heart 2 Heart partners contributed $6,180 to complete the second phase of the Toluca school expansion from the prior year. This phase supported the completion of a space for a learning center. The project was completed in late October 2016, and the Heart 2 Heart traveling group conducted a site visit on November 7, 2016.
2015-16 Global Grant Projects
The Heart 2 Heart partners are working on eight global grant projects and three non-global-grant projects for 2015-16.
Eight Global Grant Projects
Twenty districts in Zones 30-31, along with District 5630 Nebraska, have partnered to work on eight Global Grant projects. The total for all eight grants is $580,629. The US partners will contribute DDF of $192,858 for these grant projects. The Rotary Foundation will provide $270,407 in matching funds for these projects.
1. GG 1633889 Kidney transplants for disadvantaged young adults and teens ($156,000, Mexico host Cuajimalpa, US sponsor Franklin TN).
We will continue our work with several partners to provide kidney transplants for young adults and teens ages 15-29 who are economically disadvantaged. This will be our fifth global grant for kidney transplants. The grant provides for 52 kidney transplants at $3,000 each. The grant was approved in June 2016. As of September 23, 2016, 13 transplants had been completed.
2. GG 1637833 Bathroom and sanitation improvements and renovations in grade schools ($80,000 plus, Mexico host Tlalpan, US sponsor Gothenburg NE).
One of our on-going projects is for water tank systems in 31 schools. The local government will also be adding rain-collection systems in these 31 schools. The bathrooms themselves are in varying conditions but all need expansion and/or renovations, so we are targeting as many of these 31 schools as we can afford to fix, so that we can say the water and sanitation challenges for all these schools will be completely addressed. The condition of the facilities varies greatly from school to school. The grant was submitted in late June 2016 and is still under review by The Rotary Foundation.
3. GG 1531566 Neurological assessment equipment and training GG 1531566 ($45,000, Mexico host Bellavista Atizapan, US sponsor Lexington NE).
The project is designed to identify and treat neurological problems in very young children and infants. This grant has been approved, and the project is well underway. Project completion is scheduled for November 2016.
4. GG 1531850 Hospital equipment and training ($40,003, Mexico host Zona Rosa, US sponsor Bearden TN).
This hospital is a large regional public hospital (serving over 1.5 million uninsured) that we have worked with before. This project includes purchasing ultrasound equipment and providing training for such equipment. The grant has been approved and the project is well underway.
5. GG 1634520 Hospital equipment and training ($39,000, Mexico host Ecatepec, US sponsor Bearden TN).
This hospital is a large regional public hospital (serving over 1.5 million uninsured) that we have worked with before. This project includes purchasing craniotomy equipment and providing training for such equipment. The grant has been approved and is underway.
6. GG 1634523 Documenting migrant children ($137,126, Mexico district is the host, US sponsor Knoxville Volunteer TN ).
The project involves setting up the infrastructure and first recipients of a program that will provide accurate and legal documentation for migrant children who do not have access to health care or education in Mexico. The grant was submitted in the spring and is awaiting TRF approval.
7. GG 1637837 Whole school education project for the 31 water tank sites ($46,500, Mexico host to be determined, US sponsor O’Neill NE).
This project would provide education, literacy, anti-bullying, sports development, vocational training for leadership skills and for values and human development in 31 grade schools. The grant should be submitted by October 2016.
8. GG 1638231 Daycare for children in market trash area ($37,000, Mexico host Paseo de la Reforma, US sponsor Florence KY).
Mexico City has a large market area that is open daily. Young mothers (usually teens) work in the trash area of that market, sifting through for recyclables that they can sell. Their infant children do not have access to daycare because they are under age 6, leading to illnesses and no preschool preparation. The local government will provide space and staffing for a daycare center for these children under 6, and Rotary will provide the set up equipment, supplies and materials as well as initial training for the daycare workers. The grant should be submitted by October 2016.
The twenty Zone 30-31 partner districts for 2015-16 include the following:
D6040 D6510 D6760
D6060 D6540 D6780
D6080 D6560 D6800
D6110 D6580 D6820
D6190 D6690 D6840
D6200 D6710 D6880
D6460 D6740
Three Non-Global-Grant Projects
Twenty three District 6780 clubs and the Parkville Missouri club have partnered to work on three important projects that could not be funded by global grants.
1. Girls shelter computer training ($8,000). We provided computers and peripherals for a computer lab in 2013-14 and started a computer training program in 2014-15. The second year of training will help establish the base for a certification program (to help make the girls more employable when they leave the shelter). The project is fully funded and is underway.
2. One of the five Toluca area clubs is continuing its expansion of a nearby grade school. US portion of the cost is $18,000. The project is fully funded and is underway.
3. District 6780 clubs and individuals have contributed $2,500 to buy books for the Otomi school in Pahuatlan.