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Why Form a Chapter of Peacebuilder Clubs?

Ten reasons from RAGFP Immediate Past Chair Michael Hayes:

  1. Provide guidance, support, information, and education to Peacebuilder Clubs in the Chapter and create more Peacebuilder Clubs in your region.
  2. Capture project ideas from clubs, understand from the clubs the community needs within the region, and communicate those within the Chapter.
  3. Create opportunities for fellowship and acquaintance for Club members across the region.
  4. Provide support and information to the District Peace Chairs.
  5. Capture best practices and successes from Clubs in the Region.
  6. Participate in the Chapter Council meetings hosted by the RAGFP team.
  7. Communicate best practices and project ideas from your Chapter to the other Chapters.
  8. Create opportunities for acquaintance and fellowship across the Chapters.
  9. Identify and collaborate on District Grant and Global Grant Projects between clubs in the Regions and between the Chapters.
  10. Use the collective power of Rotary through the clubs within the Chapters and the Chapters around the world to bring about Peace. Peace is possible.

Peacebuilder clubs in the Eastern United States: (click here for interactive online map)