Rotary International Zones 30 and 31 is known as the HEART OF AMERICA and is comprised of 31 districts in 13 states. We have over 1509 Rotary clubs with a membership of over 67,000 Rotarians. We are business professional and communities’ leaders, engaged in fellowship and Service Above Activities within our communities both locally and around the world.
Rhonda (Beth) Stubbs
Rotary Club of Maryville, TN, USA
[contact Beth]
Beth Stubbs is a certified public accountant who earned her degree at Plymouth State College. After working as a CPA at a Maryville firm, she set up her private practice in 1994, focusing on consulting to small-business owners on account management, finances, and exit strategies. She also worked as chief financial officer for her husband’s business, Trinity Benefit Advisors, for 14 years. Stubbs is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Tennessee Society of Public Accountants.
Stubbs, who first started frequenting Rotary club meetings at age 8 with her father, joined the Rotary Club of Maryville in 1991. She served her district in several capacities, including as chair of its finance, Foundation, and leadership development and education committees. Stubbs has attended 21 international conventions, traveled to New York City for Rotary Day at the United Nations, served in a National Immunization Day in India, traveled to Mexico for club partnership projects, and attended various zone meetings around the country.
During a zone meeting in New Orleans that she attended with a Rotary friend — before either had yet served as club president — she learned about Ambassadorial Scholarships and Group Study Exchange. Inspired after the meeting, she and her friend worked together to help set up these activities in her district. “We saw there was a whole world to Rotary, and we wanted to bring it to Maryville,” Stubbs says.
In addition to bagging and delivering food with her “small but mighty” Maryville club to school children, Stubbs has worked with her district to raise $1.3 million for polio eradication through the sale of “purple pinky” donuts and other fundraisers. The satellite club she helped start in her district is still going strong. “I look forward to applying my skills as a CFO on the Board, and to working with clubs in my zones to build the knowledge base about Rotary and its possibilities,” Stubbs says.
She has served on the boards of local nonprofits, including Michael Dunn Center, which helps people with developmental disabilities, and Asbury Place, a regional retirement community organization. She also served in officer positions in Toastmasters International and is active on several committees at her church. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and attending football and basketball games at the University of Tennessee.
She and her husband, Tony, support The Rotary Foundation as Arch Klumph Society members.
Rotary Coordinators
Steve Sandbo, Z30
Julie McCoy, Z31
Rotary Foundation Coordinators
Sam Adams, Z30
Pamela Stewart, Z31
Public Image Coordinators
Keith Hodkinson, Z30
Jamie Higgins, Z31
Jenifer Campbell, Z30-31
Visioning Coordinator
Laura Carie, Z30 & Z31
Director-elect 2025-2027
Brian Hall, d6840
Past Zone Directors
Elizabeth Usovicz 2021-2023
Elizabeth Usovicz
Rotary Club of Kansas City Plaza, Kansas City, MO, USA
Director, Rotary International 2021-2023
Elizabeth Usovicz is principal of WhiteSpace Consulting, which focuses on business coaching, business development strategy, and market insights. She previously held leadership positions at Deloitte, Kellogg’s of Mexico, and two venture capital-funded startup companies. Formerly associate director of international programs at Bentley University and an adjunct professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, she currently is a volunteer mentor and adviser to startup company founders through MIT’s Growth Mentoring Services program.
Usovicz joined Rotary in 1997. She served as a Rotary public image coordinator for three years, a facilitator for multiyear district planning for zones 30 and 31, on the training team for governors-elect training seminars, and as a curriculum chair of the Heart of America Rotary Leadership Institute.
Her 20-year passion in Rotary is supporting orphans and at-risk children in Malawi. She has written 10 Rotary Foundation grants to help Malawi’s children and led a vocational training team that worked with local primary school teachers to develop and implement a program that encourages children, especially girls, to stay in school. Other grant projects have focused on a malaria bed net initiative in the southern region of Lake Malawi. “We helped reduce the mortality rate of children under five by 80% in that region — that’s the power of ‘we’ in Rotary,” Usovicz says. “I am not a medical professional, but when we collaborate like that in Rotary, we become lifesavers.”
Usovicz has received The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and has twice received the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award. In 2014, Usovicz was recognized at the White House as a Rotary Women of Action honoree.
A native of Salem, Massachusetts, she appreciates history and her Lithuanian heritage. She also enjoys music, classic films, and science fiction TV. Usovicz and her husband, Dean Mathewson, are both Major Donors and Bequest Society members. They live in Westwood, Kansas.
Floyd Lancia 2019-2021
Floyd Lancia
Rotary Club of Anthony Wayne, Indiana, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2019-2021
Floyd Lancia began his professional career as a secondary school teacher in Hancock County, West Virginia. Floyd and his family moved to Massachusetts when he was accepted into the Master’s Degree program at the University of Massachusetts. He matriculated through that program and then into the doctoral degree program majoring in educational administration.
After becoming certified as a school administrator, the family moved to Maine where Floyd became a school principal, director of instructional services and later a school superintendent.
While working in Maine he was invited to join the local Rotary club. His community involvement led to becoming the club president. As president, the club set its sights high and with a successful fund drive, when the dream of a community library became a reality. Enjoying his involvement in Rotary lead to his joining the Anthony Wayne Rotary Club when his family moved to Fort Wayne, IN to start a real estate development and construction company.
While serving in District 6540 Floyd held positons as Assistant Governor, Assistant Governor Coordinator and District Administrative Council chair, membership chair, and PolioPlus chair. Committee positions included Administrative Council, District Conference and The Rotary Foundation Dinner. He was chosen to be District 6540’s governor for the year 2009-10. District 6540 chose Floyd as it’s representative to Great Lakes Rotary PETS where he served four years as vice-chair and chair. While serving as chair Floyd and the PETS team coordinated the curriculum and training for presidents-elect from six districts.
District 6540 has recognized his commitment to service with the Kissinger Award for upholding the ideals and goals of Rotary, the Angle Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Cable Foundation Service Award. He is a recipient of the Rotary Foundation’s Meritorious Service Award, Distinguished Service Award and the Rotary International Service Above Self Award. As a member of the Anthony Wayne Rotary Club Floyd was recognized by the mayor of Fort Wayne with a proclamation for exemplary local and international service.
Floyd has attended thirteen zone institutes, eleven international conventions, and served in the positions of Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator and Endowment Major Gift Advisor (twice). Floyd has served as trainer at six zone institutes and on the zone executive committee for six years. Floyd held the position of Rotary International Director (2019-2021) and served as the RI Board Liaison to The Rotary Foundation (2020-2021). He has spearheaded large water projects in Mexico, he visited the only free eye surgery hospital in Nicaragua and developed and spearheaded three grants for surgical equipment. Additionally, while visiting projects in Brazil, he became aware of the need for cleft palate and lip surgeries and was instrumental in getting funding for surgical equipment. Also, in Brazil, Floyd saw staff and facility needs for an elderly care nursing home and a regional hospital and developed grants for upgrading the kitchen and laundry facilities through Rotary International matching grants. He participated in District 6560’s 100 wells “Water is Life” global grant in Sera Leone’s. He has written grants in spearheading grants for school equipment for the Piyali Learning Center for girls in Calcutta, India, and library materials in Kenya. Floyd has been a National Immunization Day participant (2012) when India was declared polio free at the International Polio Summit.
Floyd served as Rotary International president’s representative five times, served as Training Leader at Rotary’s International Assembly twice and has been keynote speaker at several district conferences, PETS, and Rotary foundation events. His involvement at the community level includes being on the boards of the Allen County Building Department, The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne, The Anthony Wayne Charitable Foundation, The Fort Wayne Historical Society and The Fort Wayne Philharmonic.
Floyd and Betty Lou serve the community through various organizations and are strong advocates of the arts. They share the passion of the work being done through The Rotary Foundation by being Arch Klumph, Bequest, and Legacy Society Members with an emphasis for peace though a Rotary International Peace Scholar endowment.
Floyd and Betty Lou have three grown children and six grandchildren.
*Greg Yank 2017-2019
Greg Yank
Deceased, January 5, 2021
Director, Rotary International, 2017-2019
A Rotarian since 1978, Greg is a member of the Rotary Club of O’Fallon, IL where he served as Club President in 1992-93, and then as Governor of District 6510 twice in 2001-2002 and again in 2010-11. District 6510 is comprised of 48 clubs and 1600 members in Southern Illinois.
He has held positions as the Regional Membership Plan Project Plan Lead (Membership Chair) for Zones 30 and 31 (2015-17), chair of district 6510’s Club Visioning Initiative, International Training Leader twice, Membership Coordinator for Zone 29 and Rotary Institute Chair 2013.
Greg is married to past district Governor Catherine Taylor Yank. The Yanks are members of the Arch Klumph Society, Paul Harris and Bequest Societies (level 3). Greg was honored to receive the Service above Self Award in 2014. He has travelled to Malawi, Ecuador, India and Belize on Rotary on Rotary projects.
The Yanks are avid St. Louis Cardinal Baseball fans. Greg has been a proud Green Bay Packer fan since 1957 and owns one share of the team. Catherine is the owner of Jim Taylor Inc. a roofing contracting company located in Belleville, IL. The Yanks have three grown children, one who works in the family business, and three grandchildren.
Professionally Greg has had three different career paths starting with 9 years in the Catholic seminary. He was never ordained. He then spent 25 years in health care executive management and leadership serving twice as a hospital CEO and as President and CEO of a Catholic Health System.
For 11 years, Greg owned a business coaching/peer advisory board franchise called The Alternative Board TAB. He currently continues to be a business coach mentoring/working with six business owners on a monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly basis. He is the principal in GY Consulting & Facilitation Services specializing in business coaching, strategy, facilitation, strategic governance and board development/education.
Greg is actively involved in his community. He is a Commissioner of the Metro East Park & Recreation District; Advisory Board member for the Nielsen Healthcare Group in St. Louis; and a Board Member of the O’Fallon Shiloh Chamber of Commerce and chairperson of its strategic planning committee.
Greg believes that Rotary enables him to live a life that matters as lives in our communities and the world are changed because of what we do!
Karen K. Wentz 2015 - 2017
Karen K. Wentz
Rotary Club of Maryville-Alcoa, Tennessee, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2015-2017
Karen has been a Rotarian since 1990 and is a member of the Rotary Club of Maryville, Tennessee, with the classification of Higher Education Administration.
She served on the board of directors of Rotary International for 2015-17. Karen’s service to Rotary includes District Governor of District 6780 (Tennessee), Rotary Coordinator for Zone 30, General Coordinator for Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators, and Rotary International Assembly Training Leader. She was a founder of Mid-South PETS and has served in numerous capacities for Rotary Zones 30-31 Institutes including general chair.
She and Ron have represented the RI President at 12 district conferences. She currently serves on and is chair of the Rotary International Operations Review Committee (term through 2021), the RI Audit Committee, and was a member of the RI Presidential Nominating Committee in 2018. Karen is dedicated to the Rotary Foundation and its programs. She led a Group Study Exchange Team to England in 1999 and was involved in the development of several significant Humanitarian Grants for Mexico, and Thailand while serving on the District Grants Committee.
She received the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service in 2012. She has traveled to both Nigeria and India to immunize children against polio and has also participated in two Rotary humanitarian trips to Malawi. Karen and her Rotarian husband Ron Appuhn are passionate supporters of The Rotary Foundation and are members of the Arch Klumph Society. They have a special focus on the Rotary Peace Centers and have mentored a number of Peace Fellows.
Karen’s professional career was in higher education as a strategic planning and development professional, project manager, and part-time instructor of marketing. She has also worked as a librarian in both public and college libraries. She holds masters degrees in both Library Science and Business Administration.
Karen and Ron have a blended family of six children (four hers and two his), five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. They love traveling and Karen has been to more than 60 countries and to all seven continents. Ron serves as district governor of District 6780 in Tennessee in 2020-21.
Larry Lunsford 2013 - 2015
Larry Lunsford
Rotary Club of Kansas City-Plaza, Missouri
Director, Rotary International, 2013-15
Trustee of The Rotary Foundation 2021-2025
Larry A. Lunsford, a certified public accountant, is senior vice president and chief financial officer of Bernstein-Rein Advertising, Inc. A recipient of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Truman State University, he has served his alma mater on its National Alumni Association Board and its Foundation Board. He also served as treasurer of the Epilepsy Foundation for the Heart of America.
His passion for Rotary and his invitation into the family of Rotary began during his college years, when in 1982, he was selected as a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar to Australia. Lunsford joined Rotary in 1991. He served RI as director, and aide to RI President Mark Daniel Maloney. In addition, he has served as RI president’s representative, zone institute chair, Rotary Public Image Coordinator, Rotary Foundation alumni coordinator, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, training leader, International Assembly leaders’ seminar trainer, RI committee chair and member, and chair of the Rotary Peace Centers Committee of The Rotary Foundation.
Lunsford and his wife, Jill are Major Donors, Benefactors, and Bequest Society members. He is a charter member of the District 6040 Paul Harris Society. He has been awarded the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service and the RI Service Above Self Award.
Kenneth M. Schuppert, Jr. 2011 - 2013
Kenneth M. Schuppert, Jr.
Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama
Director, Rotary International, 2011-2013
Vice-President, Rotary International 2012-13
Trustee of The Rotary Foundation 2016-20
Vice Chair of The Rotary Foundation 2016-2018 & 2019-2020
Ken was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and received his B.A. from The University of the South (Sewanee, Tennessee) and his law degree from Cumberland School of Law of Samford University (Birmingham, Alabama) in 1981. He lives in Decatur, Alabama, where Ken and his wife, Lynn, are members in the law firm of Blackburn, Maloney and Schuppert, LLC. Ken’s principal areas of practice are corporate, real estate, probate, estate planning and commercial representation.
Ken and Lynn are both active in their community. Ken has been president of the Decatur Jaycees, Vice-President of the Tennessee Valley Council of the Greater Alabama Council of the Boy Scouts of America and was presented the Silver Beaver Award in 1990.
Ken was named an Outstanding Young Alabamian in 1989. He has served on the Boards of the Morgan County Cancer Society, PACT (Parents and Children Together), Chamber of Commerce, Princess Theatre and Carnegie Visual Arts Center, and was a Trustee and Chair of Parkway Medical Center Board and is currently a Trustee of the newly formed Decatur Morgan Hospital Board. They are both active members of St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Ken joined Rotary in 1982 and Lynn in 2008. They have served as RI Training Leaders in 2001 and 2003. Ken has been a delegate and/or participant to the Councils on Legislation in 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, served as a RI Regional Membership Coordinator for 2003-05, as Zone 30 Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for 2006-09, and served as a Member of the RI Communications Committee for 2009-12 and was Vice Chair for 2010-11. On the Zone level, Ken and Lynn have been on the Executive Committee as Program Chair in 1999, as Arrangements Chair in 2001, as GETS leaders in 2000-04 and 2006-08, as Institute Vice-Chair in 2003 and as Institute General Chair in 2004.
Ken was a member of the RI Audit Committee for 2011-12, and 2017-20, RI Strategic Planning Committee for 2012-15, and as Chair for 2013-15, Board & Trustee Liaison to Constitution & Bylaws Committees for 2011-13 and 2016-20, as a member for 2013-16, and as Chair for 2015-16, and Chair of the RI Board Council on Legislation Advisory Committee for 2011-13. He was Vice Chair of the RI 2015 Convention and is chair of the 2021 RI Convention. Ken is serving on the TRF Program Committee 2016-20, He is Chair 2018-20. He is a member of TRF IPPC for 2019-22 and TRF Finance Committee for 2019-20. Ken served as Chair of the RI President Nominating Committee for 2020-21 and will be Chair of the 2022 COL.
Ken and Lynn have served as RI President’s Representatives in 1998-2017. They served as the Aides for the 2014-15 RI President and First Lady, Gary and Corinna Huang of Taipei, Taiwan, and served as the Moderators of the 2016 International Assembly for RIP John and Judy Germ of Chattanooga, TN.
He was presented The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service in 2000, the Rotary International Four Avenues of Service Citation in 2001, and The Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award in 2006.
Ken and Lynn have one daughter, Elizabeth, who is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with UAB Hospital in Birmingham, AL; all are Paul Harris Fellows. Ken and Lynn are Major Donors and Bequest Society members. Ken and Lynn enjoy golf, swimming, gardening and “house restoration.”
*Noel A. Bajat 2010 - 2012
Noel A. Bajat
Deceased, June 26, 2022
Director, Rotary International, 2010-12
Vice-President, Rotary International 2011-12
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 2013-17
Noel retired as President and Chief Executive Officer of Abbeville Building & Loan in January, 2014. He remains a Director of AB&L and has served in numerous civic capacities. He is a Navy veteran whose service included action during the Cuban Crisis.
A Rotarian since 1977, Noel has served Rotary as Club President, District Governor, Task Force Member, Task Force Zone Coordinator, International Training Leader, National Advisor to the Permanent Fund, Delegate to the 2004 Council on Legislation, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator and on Rotary International’s Finance Committee and the Foundation’s Polio Plus Committee.
Noel served as a Director of Rotary International during the 2010–2012 Rotary years and served as Vice President of Rotary International during the 2011-12 Rotary year.
He was elected to serve as a Trustee of The Rotary Foundation from 2013-17. As a Trustee, he has served on the Foundation’s Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, the Investment Committee, the Fund Development Committee, the Programs Committee, as the North American advocate for Polio Eradication, and a liaison to the Operations Committee.
He is the recipient of Rotary International’s Service Above Self Award, The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service and The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award.
Noel and Sis are Major Donors, Benefactors, charter members of the Bequest Society, Charter Members of the Paul Harris Society and members of the White Hat Society. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren.
Fred Hahn, Jr. 2009 - 2011
Fred Hahn, Jr.
Rotary Club of Independence, Missouri, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2009-2011
Fred was invited into the Family of Rotary in 1973. He served as President of the Independence, Missouri, club in 1986-87, District Governor of D6070 (now D6040) in 1992-93 and RID 2009-2011. Fred served on the RI President Nominating Committee in 2014 and 2015. While serving multiple club, district and zone assignments, he participated in an NID in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 1997, served as delegate to the Council on Legislation in 1998, was an International Assembly discussion leader in 1999 and 2000, and in 2000 also led a GSE team to Turkey. Fred has held dual assignments as both RI and TRF Zone Coordinator multiple years with particular interest in PolioPlus Partners where he previously served as Vice-chair of the Western United States. He is the recipient of the Four Avenues of Service Award, the RI Service Above Self Award, the International Service Award For a Polio Free World and The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. Marge and Fred are Major Donors, members of the Arch Klumph Society and the Bequest Society.
Fred retired in 2005 from a 35-year career as an Ear-Nose-Throat/Head & Neck surgeon in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area. He received his MD degree from the University of Iowa and his ENT Fellowship from The Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. He is past president of both his regional and the state of Missouri specialty societies, as well as of the Kansas City Metropolitan Medical Society and the Missouri State Medical Association. He recently completed a term on the Kansas City Health Care Foundation and Community Service League and on The Truman Heartland Community Foundation. He served as president of the Missouri State Medical Foundation a number of years.
Fred wrote two books; the first, The Art of Medicine and the second The Joy of Medicine, and a number of scientific articles. His hobbies have been reduced to gardening, travel and Rotary (a thing called “age” eliminated his skiing and flying)! He is married to Marge and they have two daughters, Debbie White and Kathy Hahn. They have three granddaughters. He served in the U.S. Army (3 years active and 3 years inactive duty) with a commission from OCS at Fort Benning, Georgia. Marge and Fred attended every RI Convention from 1985 through 2014. Both missed São Paulo, but Fred attended in Seoul in 2016 and both attended the Atlanta convention.
Michael J. Johns 2007 - 2009
Michael J. Johns
Rotary Club of Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2007-2009
Mike is president of Mayfair Granite Co. Inc. He has been president of the Monument Builders of North America, the American Institute of Commemorative Art and the Monument Builders of Ohio. He also has served on the advisory council of the regional Small Business Administration.
He has coached youth football and baseball teams and served as district commissioner for the Boy Scouts.
A Rotarian since 1976, Mike has served RI as Director, Task Force Member, committee member, and chair and District Governor.
He is a Bequest Society charter member and recipient of The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service.
*Thomas A. Branum, Sr. 2007 - 2009
Thomas A. Branum, Sr.
Deceased, February 7, 2022
Director, Rotary International, 2007-2009
Six years after becoming a member of Anthony Wayne Rotary Club in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Tom and Linda moved to Indianapolis just as a new club was being formed. After his term as charter president of the Castleton Club (now lndianapolis Northeast), he helped extend six new Rotary clubs. As District Governor, Tom’s “M & M” theme stressed membership growth and raising money for The Rotary Foundation. That theme was reprised during his term as Rotary International Director. He established the first District 6560 website, founded District 6560 World Community Service Foundation, and chaired the Host Organization Promotion Committee for the 1998 International Convention at Indianapolis.
Tom served on the 2005 Chicago Centennial Convention Promotion Committee, was General Chairman of the Kansas City Zones 29/30 Institute, Chairman of the Heart of America Breakfast at San Antonio and co-chaired it again at Barcelona, organized RI President Frank Devlyn’s “Heartland of America Tour”, served on the Avoidable Blindness Task Force, the Alleviation of Poverty Task Force, and was a delegate to the 2004 Council on Legislation.
For a decade he served as District 6560 Rotary Foundation Chairman, receiving The Rotary Foundation’s Significant Achievement Award, The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service, and Rotary International’s Service Above Self Award. Tom, Linda, their three children, and three grandchildren, are Paul Harris Fellows. Tom and Linda have traveled to India for National Polio Immunization, to visit Matching Grant sites, and as President’s Representatives in New Delhi. Tom served as Chairman of the Reach Out To Africa (ROTA) committee 2009-2014. They are charter members of The Rotary Foundation Bequest Society, and of the District 6560 Paul Harris Society.
He has been leader of several civic, fraternal, and professional organizations while in Terre Haute and Ft. Wayne, Indiana, as well as serving in minor political offices for more than 20 years. Tom and Linda have served as leaders in the United Methodist Church and he has participated in amateur theatrical melodramas. He was President of Alexander Hamilton Chapter of Sons of the American Revolution. Personal recognition includes membership in the AXA Hall of Fame and recipient of the Hamilton Youth Centers Service Award. While growing up in rural Indiana, he used to hunt rabbits and squirrels with nothing more than a handful of small round stones. Today he lives on a small farm and finds many such stones on his property.
Son Tom, Jr. is a Past District Governor, retiring after a 30 year career as a Certified Financial Planner and is now Senior Director of Outreach and Missions for his church. Daughter Kimberly is an active Rotarian, having served as District treasurer several times. She is a CPA and works for the Department of Defense Finance Center. Son Gregg has had many years in the travel industry and is a self-employed meeting planner for a large energy company.
Robert A. Stuart, Jr. 2005 - 2007
Robert A. Stuart, Jr.
Rotary Club of Springfield, Illinois, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2005-07
Bob is a partner in the law firm of Brown Hay & Stephens, which was founded by his great-great grandfather in 1828. An estate planning attorney, he is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and of the American Bar Foundation, past chair of the ISBA Estate Planning Section Council and on the advisory panel of Leading Lawyers Network. Bob is designated in the top 100 downstate business lawyers in Illinois.
In Springfield, he has chaired the Chamber of Commerce, the United Way Campaign, the United Way Foundation and Sangamon County Historical Society. He is President of the National Recreation Foundation, and Immediate Past President of the A. Lincoln Association. He is a member of Boy Scout Central Region Executive Committee being a past president of his local council and area. He received the silver beaver, silver antelope and distinguished eagle awards. For service in masonry, he has been awarded the 33rd degree. He has served as an elder in his church.
Bob joined Rotary in 1975 and served as District Governor 1985-86. He has chaired two zone institutes and served as delegate to two Councils on Legislation, Information Counselor, task force/committee coordinator, vice chair and chair, International Assembly Training Leader, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator and Director. He is past chair of RI Constitution and Bylaws Committee and RI Operations Review Committee.
He served on Rotary Centers Major Gift Initiative and is past chair of the TRF Policy Simplification Committee. He has received the Citation for Meritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award. Bob is a Paul Harris Fellow, Major Donor and member of the Bequest Society. Bob has participated in Heart to Heart with Mexico and our Zones and has participated in four polio NIDs and SNIDs.
Bob was the chair of the Atlanta Pre-convention Peace Conference and the chair of the Nepal Earthquake Relief Donor Advised Fund Advisory Committee. He is the chair of the Disaster Network Assistance RAG. Bob has a son Todd and a daughter Cori who has served as an officer of her Rotary club.
John F. Germ 2003 - 2005
John F. Germ
Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Rotary International President, 2016-17
Director, Rotary International, 2003-2005
Vice President, Rotary International, 2004-2005
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 2008-2012 and 2018-2022
Chair, Council on Legislation, 2007, 2013
Vice Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2009-2011
“Rotary Serving Humanity”
John is Past Chairman of the Board of Campbell & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. He joined the firm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the US Air Force. In Chattanooga, he has been active as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts, Junior Achievement and campaign chairman of the United Way. He also serves on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Orange Grove Center, Inc., Board of Directors Public Education Foundation, Treasurer CSTCC Foundation, Chairman Blood Assurance, Inc. and president of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation. He has served on several community boards and is a past president of the Tennessee Jaycees.
He was recognized as Tennessee Young Man of the Year for 1970, Engineer of the Year and is a recipient of the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award, Volunteer Fund Raiser of the Year in 1992, and is a recipient of the Arthritis Foundation Circle of Hope Award. He was recognized as the Tennessee Community Organizations Volunteer of the Year in 2009. The White House recognized him as a Champion of Change in 2013.
John joined Rotary in 1976 and has served RI as district governor, committee member, delegate to and Chairman of the Council on Legislation, task force zone and area coordinator, Aide to 2007-08 RI President, nominating committee for president of RI 2008-09, Chairman of the nominating committee 2011-12 & 2012-13, International Assembly Training Leader (two years) and Group Discussion Leader, Vice Chairman of TRF Stewardship Committee, Chairman of TRF Investment Committee and TRF Finance Committee and Vice Chairman of the Bangkok Convention Committee. He served as Chairman of Rotary’s U.S. $200 Million Challenge Committee, and Chair of the Countdown to History Committee.
He has received the Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award and Recipient of the Polio Plus Pioneer Award. He and his wife, Judy, are Benefactors and members of the Arch Klumph Society of the Rotary Foundation.
*James R. Shamblin 2001 - 2003
James R. Shamblin
Deceased, February 14, 2021
Rotary Club of Foley, Alabama, USA
Director, Rotary International, 2001-03
Vice-President, Rotary International, 2002-03
Jim retired as a board-certified general surgeon specializing in Obesity Surgery in Shreveport, Louisiana, moved back home to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he married his college sweetheart Betty. They now live in Foley, AL. He has published seventeen papers on various surgery topics and has presented surgical papers throughout the United States and overseas, in England, Australia, Japan, and Mexico.
A Rotarian since 1965, he served as president of the Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in 1972-73 and again in 2010-11, Governor of District 6190 in Louisiana (1991-92), RI Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force (1992-94), and RI Fellowships Committee (1995-97). Jim was a delegate to the Council on Legislation in Caracas. He has served as Group Discussion Leader (1996) and Training Leader (1997) at the International Assembly in Anaheim. He was the chairman of the RI Medical-Health Vocational Fellowship for many years and was a TRF Permanent Fund National Advisor.
Jim has served as Sergeant-At-Arms at several major Rotary meetings. He has attended eighteen Rotary Zone Institutes, twelve International Institutes and twelve International Conventions. He has represented the President of Rotary at fourteen Rotary District Conferences.
Jim is a recipient of RI’s Service Above Self Award and TRF Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He is a Paul Harris Fellow, Benefactor and TRF Level III Major Donor.
Mark Daniel Maloney 1999 - 2001
Mark Daniel Maloney
Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama, USA
Rotary International President 2019-20
Director, Rotary International, 1999-2001
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 2004-2008
Vice Chair, The Rotary Foundation 2006-07, 2007-08
“Rotary Connects the World”
Mark Daniel Maloney is a principal in the law firm of Blackburn, Maloney and Schuppert, LLC, with a focus on taxation, estate planning, and agricultural law. He represents large farming operations in the Southeastern and Midwestern United States and has chaired the American Bar Association’s Committee on Agriculture in the Section of Taxation. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Alabama State Bar Association, the Alabama Law Institute, and is a past president of the Morgan County Bar Association.
He has been active in Decatur’s religious community, chairing his church’s finance council and a local Catholic school board. He has also served as president of the Community Foundation of Greater Decatur, chair of Morgan County Meals on Wheels, and director of the United Way of Morgan County and the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce.
Maloney served as RI president during 2019-2020, when he presided over the first virtual RI Convention that was organized during the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasized strategies to grow Rotary. A Rotarian since 1980, he has also served as an RI director; Foundation trustee and vice chair; and aide to 2003-04 RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe. He also has participated in the Council on Legislation as chair, vice chair, parliamentarian, and trainer. He was an adviser to the 2004 Osaka Convention Committee, chaired the 2014 Sydney Convention Committee, and chaired RI’s Operations Review Committee for four terms. Prior to serving as a district governor, Maloney led a Group Study Exchange to Nigeria.
He also served as Future Vision Committee vice chair; Foundation training institute moderator; Foundation permanent fund national adviser; member and vice chair of the Peace Centers Committee; member of the International PolioPlus Committee; and adviser to the Foundation’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools Target Challenge Committee.
Maloney’s wife, Gay, is an attorney in the same law firm and a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Decatur Daybreak, Alabama, USA. Both support The Rotary Foundation as Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, and Bequest Society members.
Ron D. Burton 1998 - 2000
Ron D. Burton
Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA,
President, Rotary International, 2013-2014
Director, Rotary International, 1998-2000
The Rotary Foundation Trustee, 2006-2010, 2015-2019
Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2018-2019
Vice Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2008-2009
“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”
Ron D. Burton retired as President and Chief Executive Officer of the University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. after forty years of service. He is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar and the Oklahoma Bar Association. He is also a member of the American Bar Association; the ABA Section of Taxation Exempt Organizations Committee; and the ABA Section of Real Property, Probate, and Trust Committee on Charitable Organizations.
He was the vice president of the Last Frontier Council of the Boy Scouts of America and received the Silver Beaver Award. He also received the Norman United Way and Junior League Volunteer of the Year Civic Award. In 2008 he was inducted into the Duncan Public School Foundation Hall of Fame. In 2020 the Rotary Club of Duncan, Oklahoma and the City of Duncan named a city park the Ron Burton Rotary Park. Additionally, the Stephens County Historical Museum inducted Ron into the Hall of Fame. In 2014 he was the commencement speaker at Austin College and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.
A Rotarian since 1979, Ron is a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma. He has served as district governor, Council on Legislation representative (1992 and 1995), International Assembly group discussion leader and moderator, zone trainer, Rotary information counselor, committee and task force member, RI president’s representative, aide to the RI president, RI Director, Foundation Trustee, and President of RI. He also chaired the 2011 Rotary International Convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana. As a member of the Board of Directors, he served as chair of the Executive Committee, Administration Committee, and Audit Committee.
Additionally, he has served The Rotary Foundation as a consultant to the Development Committee, national advisor for the Permanent Fund Initiative, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator, member of the International PolioPlus Committee, Permanent Fund Leadership Team, PolioPlus Speakers Bureau, and moderator of the Regional Rotary Foundation coordinator training program. He served on various TRF committees as a member, vice chair or chair.
Ron has received the RI Service Above Self Award and the Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service, Distinguished Service Award, and the International Service Award for a Polio Free World. He and his wife, Jetta, are Paul Harris Fellows, Benefactors, Major Donors and members of the Bequest Society and the Arch C. Klumph Society of The Rotary Foundation.
Carl Rosenbaum 1997 - 1999
Carl Rosenbaum
Rotary Club of Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Director, Rotary International, 1997-99
Carl has been a Rotarian since 1965 when he joined the Rotary Club of West Little Rock, and served Club 99 as president in 1983-84. He was Governor of District 6150 in 1990-91 and Director of Rotary International 1997-1999. Previously he was Finance Chairman for the Board of Rotary International, National Advisor for the Permanent Fund, chairman of the Investment Advisory Group of Rotary International, consultant to the Fund Development Committee of The Rotary Foundation and chairman of the RI Finance committee. He served on the Nominating Committee for RI President for 2007-08.
Carl is Chairman of the Board of Arkansas Glass Container Corporation, Chairman of the Board of Safe Foods Corporation, and a partner in Rosenbaum Brothers Partnership. He graduated from Castle Heights Military Academy and the University of Arkansas with a B.S.B.A. in finance.
A former member of the Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Carl served on the Board of Directors of Regions Bank of Little Rock. He served as State Commissioner of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and is past Chairman of the Arkansas State Highway Commission.
He resides in Little Rock with his wife, Martha. They are members of Little Rock’s First Baptist Church. They have three married children and six grandchildren.
*Theodore D. Griley, II 1990 - 1992
Theodore D. Griley, II
Deceased, January 10, 2024
Rotary Club of Newark, Ohio, USA
Director, Rotary International, 1990-92
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 2001-05
Theodore D. Griley, II is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Spenley Newspapers, Inc. Born in Lancaster, Ohio, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from The Ohio State University. He did postgraduate work at the University of Maryland.
A member of the Rotary Club of Newark, T. D. joined Rotary in 1959. He had been a part of every Council on Legislation from 1977 to 2013. He was Chairman of the International Institute in 1994, International Assembly Chairman in 1995 and 1996, a member of the Pan American President’s Conference in 1997-98, a member of the Nominating Committee for President in 1993, 1995, 2008, chaired the 2014 Nominating Committee, and was a PolioPlus National Coordinator. He also has been a moderator at the Rotary Regional Magazine Editors’ Seminar.
He was a member of the 2012 and 2013 International Assembly committees and the 2013 International Convention Committee. He was a member of the 2017 Atlanta International Convention Committee, The Rotary Foundation 100th Anniversary Committee and served as Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Centennial Book Committee 2017-18. He served as aide to 2000-01 RI President Frank Devlyn and 2011-12 RI President Sakuji Tanaka.
T.D. and his wife Dori are Paul Harris Fellows, Rotary Foundation Benefactors, and Major Donors. He has received the Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award.
He is a past president of both the Newark area Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of Licking County and was a member of committees of several professional organizations including the Newspaper Association of America. He is a former Grand Commodore of the Association of Ohio Commodores.
*James L. Lacy 1988 - 1990
James L. Lacy
Deceased, October 4, 2023
Rotary Club of Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
President, Rotary International, 1998-99
Director, Rotary International, 1988-90
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 1994-97, 2000-04
Trustee Chair, The Rotary Foundation 2003-04
“Follow Your Rotary Dream”
James L. Lacy is a Past President of Rotary International and a past Chairman of The Rotary Foundation. During his tenure, projects to address problems facing the children of the world were emphasized.
Long active in government service, Jim served in the Putnam County local governmental body, and two terms as a State Representative in the Tennessee General Assembly. In his spare time, he managed and coached in Cookeville’s Little League baseball program for 17 years.
Jim was introduced to Rotary’s international network as a Group Study Exchange team leader to Great Britain, an experience which he says “had a major impact on the development of my global perspective.”
As a member of the International PolioPlus Committee and Chairman of the Advocacy Committee for the United States, he is dedicated to the global effort to eradicate polio. He has been actively involved in PolioPlus from the beginning as a National Coordinator. Jim has participated in several National Immunization Days in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A member of the Cookeville Rotary Club since 1964, he has served Rotary International as district governor, committee member and chair, delegate to the Council on Legislation, member of the Nominating Committee for President, and as an Instructor and Moderator for the International Assembly.
Jim is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award. In 2009 he received RI’s Service Above Self Award. Jim and his wife, Claudine, are Rotary Foundation Major Donors, Paul Harris Fellows, and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.
In recognition of his continuous community involvement, Lincoln Memorial University conferred upon him the degree of Honorary Doctor of Public Service. He has also received an Honorary Doctor of Economics degree from Kangnug National University in Kangnug, South Korea, and an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Bethel College.
*Ray Klinginsmith 1985 - 1987
Ray Klinginsmith
Deceased: January 17, 2024
Rotary Club of Kirksville, Missouri, USA
President, Rotary International, 2010-11
Director, Rotary International, 1985-87
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation, 2002-06, 2012-2016
Vice Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2005-06
Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2015-16
“Building Communities, Bridging Continents”
Ray Klinginsmith is a retired attorney in Kirksville, Missouri, USA, who was admitted to the Missouri Bar in 1965. During his career, he served for 22 years as General Counsel and Professor of Business Administration for Truman State University (formerly Northeast Missouri State University) in Kirksville. During his tenure at the University, he also served as Dean of Administration for a period of five years during the University’s transition to a liberal arts and sciences institution.
Ray and his wife, Judie, have been married since 1961. They have two children, Leigh and Kurt, and three grandchildren, Morgan, Grant, and Sydney Perkins.
Ray served as a director of the Macon Atlanta State Bank in Macon, Missouri, from 1971 to 2008, and he is now a director emeritus and a member of the holding company board. He was the president of Chariton Valley Association for Handicapped Citizens from its organization in 1982 until 2009, and he is now the president emeritus.
A former member of the Executive Board for the Great Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America, he holds the Silver Beaver Award for adult volunteers. He is a member of the First United Methodist Church in Kirksville and a former lay speaker for the church.
A Rotarian for more than 50 years, Ray is a member of the Kirksville Rotary Club and a former member of the Unionville and Macon Rotary clubs. He studied at the University of Cape Town as a Rotary Foundation ambassadorial scholar in 1961 When he was elected to the board of directors for Rotary International in 1984, he became the first recipient of a Rotary Foundation award to serve on the RI board.
In addition to his service as RI President, RI Director and Rotary Foundation trustee, Ray served as moderator of the 1989 International Assembly, chairman of the 1998 Council on Legislation, vice chairman of the 2005 Chicago Convention Committee, and chairman of the 2008 Los Angeles Convention Committee. He also served as a member of the Future Vision Committee for The Rotary Foundation from 2005 to 2008. He has been awarded both the Citation for Meritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award by the Foundation.
Ray was the first Missourian to serve as the RI President since Bob Hill in 1934-35 and the first former Rotary scholar to serve as RI president. He was the 100th president of Rotary International.
*Robert W. Shoemaker 1979 - 1981
Robert W. Shoemaker
Deceased, December 20, 2022
Rotary Club of Anderson, Indiana, USA
Director, Rotary International, 1979-81
Before retiring, Bob Shoemaker was Chairman of Business Printing, Incorporated, and retired Chairman of First Savings and Loan of Central Indiana. Born in New Philadelphia, Ohio, he is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Bob was a Naval Officer (Lieutenant, senior grade) in World War II. He has been married to Mary Ann since 1950. They have four children, one of whom is a Rotarian, ten grandchildren and two great-grandsons and one great-granddaughter.
Bob joined Rotary in 1948; he has served Rotary International as a member and Chairman of the RI Youth Committee (twice), USCB Consultative Group Vice-Chairman; Chairman, Rotary Volunteers in Action Committee, World Fellowship Activities Committee, Vice-Chairman World Community Service Committee, President’s Information Counselor as well as a member of the Nominating Committee for RI President (three times), and the International Institute Committee.
He was a delegate to the Council on Legislation three times (once as member of the board). He has represented the RI President at many district conferences. He was a Special Advisor to the Indianapolis RI Convention Host Organization Committee and before that was chairman for ten years of an All-Indiana Rotary committee to bring the convention to Indianapolis. He has been an amateur radio operator, W9MTU, for 70 years. He is a Paul Harris Fellow, Major Donor and Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation.
The Anderson Rotary Club renamed its annual Community Image Award in Bob’s honor to read ‘The Anderson Rotary “Robert ‘Bob’ Shoemaker” Community Image Award’ and then presented the renamed award to Bob in 2014.
Bob’s special Rotary interest is Rotary Youth Exchange in which he was a leader for thirty-five years. He was a founding officer of Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Program, Inc. and its chairman for twelve years.
Bob is a past Director of the Indiana Manufacturing Association and officer of the Anderson Chamber of Commerce. He has held many positions in the Boy Scouts of America including service as Scout Master, Sea Scout Skipper, and council board member (recipient of the Silver Beaver Award). Bob has served on the board of directors with the Madison County YMCA. He is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Anderson and has served as a member of the Session and Trustee. He has served as President of the Board of Directors of the Whitewater Presbytery and was a member of the Presbytery Council.
*Donald Kwait 1978 - 1980
Donald Kwait
Deceased, January 22, 2022
Director, Rotary International, 1978-1980
RI Treasurer, 1979-1980
The Rotary Foundation Trustee, 1982-1985
Don is a dentist and a fellow of the International College of Dentists and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Quality Assurance Physicians and was a surveyor for the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health C are.
He is past president of both the Wickliffe Chamber of Commerce and the Academy of Dental Group Practice. Don was a trustee of the Lake County Bluecoats.
A Rotarian since 1956, Don has served RI as Treasurer, Director, Foundation Trustee, Task Forc e Coordinator, Rotary Information Counselor, Consultative Group committee member and chair, International Assembly group discussion leader, moderator, and assistant moderator, and District Governor.
He is a recipient of the Rotary Foundation ’s Citation fo r Meritorious Service and its Distinguished Service Award and PolioPlus Pioneer Award.
Don and Bea were married 21 August 1949.