District 6760’s RYLA is a life-changing, leadership-building experience hosted at Austin Peay State University. Young leaders throughout Tennessee gather to be “comfortable being uncomfortable”, to communicate as a team, and lift each other up. From community service project planning, to breaking through their goals, to being challenged 50-feet up in the air, they build high-performing teams from complete strangers. None of this would happen without the support of Rotary clubs within the districts, their Rotarians, guest speakers and APSU staff, and a committed, volunteer-based staff.
Click here to see Jon Duncan’s 8-minute video, capturing this week-long event. To learn more about RYLA, including how to organize one, check out the page on Rotary’s website at: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/rotary-youth-leadership-awards. Also, coming soon on August 14th to 16th, Nex Gen RYLA International Facilitator Training.
(Story from Robert Huffman)