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Support Our Foundation with Ease

As a dedicated leader who supports The Rotary Foundation, your role is critical to ensuring that Foundation programs will continue to create positive and lasting change in your community and around the globe. Your help is needed so that we can continue to do good in the world, by encouraging members to enroll in Rotary Direct, our Foundation’s recurring giving program. 

Last year, gifts from generous donors like you enabled our Foundation to fund more than 1,200 global grants, 480 district grants, and 105 disaster response grants. Rotary Direct is one of the easiest and most secure ways for donors to support the Foundation. Rotary Direct saves time and reduces administrative costs. Monthly, quarterly, and annual gift options are available. Members can enroll on the Rotary Direct page, or by completing and returning the Rotary Direct enrollment form, or by calling 1-866-976-8279. 

For more information, refer to these frequently asked questions.